Store Inventory


Code Item Price GST Price w/GST
AD-F Family Admit 9.52 0.48 10.00
AD-A Adult Admit (18 – 59 years old) 4.76 0.24 5.00
AD-S Senior Admit (60 years old and older) 2.86 0.14 3.00
AD-Std Student Admit (13 – 17 years old) 2.86 0.14 3.00
AD-C Child Admit (12 years old and younger when accompanied by an Adult. Otherwise Ad-Std. Discretion allowed. 2.86 0.14 3.00
AD-AP Annual Pass 28.57 1.43 30.00


Code Item Price GST Price w/GST
AWF Alpine Wild Flowers
Author: Dr. Dee Strickler
12.95 0.65 13.60
AAAP Amazing Animal Adventures at the Poles
Author: Brian Keating
5.95 0.30 6.25
AABS Ancient Animals of the Burgess Shale
Illustrator: Marianne Collins
7.75 0.39 8.14
AG Arctic Grail
Author: Pierre Berton
32.95 1.65 34.60
ALTA Atlantic 1948 no. 3
Author: Aubrey Kerr
25.00 1.25 26.25
BABW Banff- Assiniboine: A Beautiful World
Author: Don Beers
15.95 0.80 16.75
BR Beauty in the Rocks
Author: David M. Baird
44.95 2.25 47.20
BTT Beyond the Trees
Author: Adam Shoalts
32.95 1.65 34.60
CCL Climate Change and Landscape
Author: Natt Rutter, Murray Coppold, Dean Rokosh
14.95 0.75 15.70
CDG CoalDust Grins
Author: Lawrence Chrismas
32.95 1.65 34.60
CF Cascadia’s Fault (retail plus shipping / 1 library)
Author: Jerry Thompson
25.95 1.30 27.25
CFn Cascadia’s Fault (new printing)
Author: Jerry Thompson
17.99 0.90 18.89
CHBH Canadian Hiker’s and Backpacker’s Handbook
Author: Ben Gadd
29.95 1.50 31.45
CIB The Columbia Icefield book, 3rd Ed.
Author: Robert W. Sandford
15.00 0.75 15.75
COLL Collapse
Author: Jared Diamond
22.50 1.13 23.63
CRGJ Canada Rocks; The Geologic Journey
Author: Nick Eyles, Andrew Miall
80.00 4.00 84.00
CRGRT Canadian Rockies Geology Road Tours
Author: Ben Gadd
28.50 1.43 29.93
CRTG Canadian Rockies Trail Guide 10th edition (Patton & Robinson) 29.95 1.50 31.45
CRW Central Rockies Wildflowers
Author: Mike Potter
11.95 0.60 12.55
CW Canmore Workings
Author: Kathleen Daly
7.95 0.40 8.35
DPL Dinosaurs Prehistoric Life 65.00 3.24 68.25
DT David Thompson – 200 Years Later 6.00 0.30 6.30
EIU Earth in Upheaval
Author: Immanuel Velikovsky
25.95 1.30 27.25
ERE Erebus: One Ship, Two Epic Voyages 23.00 1.15 24.15
FGAW Field Guide to Alpine Wildflowers of the Rocky Mountains
Author: Halle Flygare
7.95 0.40 8.35
FGTWR Field Guide to Trees Western Region (NAS) 29.95 1.50 31.45
FTNAW Familiar Trees of North America West (NAS Pocket Guide) 17.50 0.88 18.38
FBYC Four Billion Years and Counting
Editors: Robert Fensome, Graham Williams, Aicha Achab, John Clague, David Corrigan, Jim Monger, Godfrey Nowlan
39.95 2.00 41.95
GBC Geology of British Columbia
Author: Sydney Cannings, JoAnne Nelson, Richard Cannings
19.95 1.00 20.95
GCA Geology of the Calgary area 18.00 0.90 18.90
GGBS A Geoscience Guide to The Burgess Shale
By: Murray Coppold, Wayne Powell
10.95 0.55 11.50
GGS Guns, Germs and Steel
Author: Jared Diamond
24.95 1.25 26.20
GI Great Influenza
Author: John M. Barry
25.00 1.25 26.20
GSVI The Geology of Southern Vancouver Island 24.95 1.25 26.20
HAE Heaven and Earth (Global Warming Missing Science)
Author: Ian Plimer
28.95 1.45 30.40
HCR Handbook of the Canadian Rockies
Author: Ben Gadd
49.95 2.50 52.45
HOM How Old is that Mountain
Author: C. J. Yorath
18.95 0.95 19.90
IP Icefields Parkway – Confessions of a Ski Bum
Author: Marcus Baranow
35.00 1.75 36.75
KUK Keep Up, Katmai
Author: Barrett Hedges, Pili Palm-Leis
19.99 1.00 20.99
LDV Leonardo Da Vinci
Author: Walter Isaacson
30.00 1.50 31.50
LED Leduc 20.00 1.00 21.00
LG Lawrence Grassi – From Piedmont to the Rocky Mountains 32.95 1.65 34.60
LIS Life in Stone
Edited: Rolf Ludvigsen
32.95 1.65 34.60
NT Northern Tigers (non-consignment) 10.00 0.50 10.50
OBA Operation Bow Athabasca 20.00 1.00 21.00
OL Orogenous Life
Author: Ben Gadd
39.95 2.00 41.95
ONGe Oil and Natural Gas (English) 20.00 1.00 21.00
ONGf Oil and Natural Gas (French) 20.00 1.00 21.00
OSB One Step Beyond
Author: Alan Hobson
19.95 1.00 20.95
OVG Our Vanishing Glaciers (wholesale 65%) 40.00 2.00 42.00
PHL Prehistoric Life (out of print – see DPL) 38.95 1.95 40.90
PIGCC Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change
Author: Marc Morano
28.99 1.45 30.44
RC Remarkable Creatures
Author: Tracy Chevalier
22.00 1.10 23.10
REDW Redwater
Author: Aubrey Kerr
16.95 0.85 17.80
RF Rocks & Fossils (Usborne)
Author: Struan Reid
13.95 0.70 14.65
RFD Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs 19.99 1.00 20.99
RIS Rising
Author: Sharon Wood
29.95 1.50 31.45
RNC Rats Nest Cave (2nd Edition)
Author: Charles J. Yonge
20.00 1.00 21.00
RR Reading the Rocks – A Biography of Ancient Alberta 9.95 0.50 10.45
RRR Rocks, Ridges & Rivers 27.95 1.40 29.35
S Stromatolites
Author: Ken McNamara
20.00 1.00 21.00
SCR Scambles in the Canadian Rockies (3rd edition)
Author: Alan Kane
35.00 1.75 36.75
SCRBB Spirit on the Canadian Rockies
Author: Bela Beliko
12.95 0.65 13.60
SGA Scenic Geology of Alberta 27.95 1.40 29.35
SGD Surveying of the Great Divide
Author: Jay Sherwood
29.95 1.50 31.45
SHA A Short History of Alberta
Author: Ed Whitcomb
5.00 0.25 5.25
SIP Survival in Paradise
Author: Walter J. Riva
20.00 1.00 21.00
SOL Solar System guide brochure 8.00 0.40 8.40
STB Straight to the Top & Beyond
Author: John Amatt
19.95 1.00 20.95
TUSA Torn in the USA
Author: Neil V. Leeson
10.00 0.50 10.50
UBHS Understanding the Banff Hot Springs
Author: Charles J. Yonge
24.95 1.25 26.20
V100 Volcanoes (100 Facts)
Author: Miles Kelly
9.55 0.48 10.03
WGE We Gambled Everything
Author: Arne Nielsen
32.99 1.65 34.64
WIC Worlds in Collision
Author: Immanuel Velikovsky
25.95 1.30 27.25
WL Wonderful Life
Author: Stephen Jay Gould
20.95 1.05 22.00
WRM Wildflowers of the Rocky Mountains
Author: George W. Scotter, Halle Flygare
29.95 1.50 31.45
WT Western Trees – Peterson Field Guides
Author: George and Olivia Petrides
28.00 1.40 29.40

Gem Trek Series (GTS); Explorer’s Series (ES) maps

Code Item Price GST Price w/GST
BCSV Bragg Creek and Sheep Valley (#8 GTS) 14.95 0.75 15.70
BIP Best of the Icefields Parkway (#4 ES) 9.95 0.50 10.45
BLL Best of Lake Louise (#13 GTS) 9.95 0.50 10.45
BLSC Bow Lake and Saskatchewan Crossing (#3 GTS) 13.95 0.70 14.65
BMA Banff & Mt. Assiniboine* (#5 GTS) 14.95 0.75 15.70
BNPC Banff National Park map & guide (#1 ES) 11.95 0.60 12.55
CIM Columbia Icefield Map (#2 GTS) 10.95 0.55 11.50
CKV Canmore and Kananaskis Village (#6 GTS) 13.95 0.70 14.65
CR Canadian Rockies map (#2 ES) 9.95 0.50 10.45
HCC Highwood & Cataract Creek, Kcountry (#9 GTS) 13.95 0.70 14.65
JML Jasper & Maligne Lake* (#1 GTS) 14.95 0.75 15.70
KL Kananaskis Lakes (#7 GTS) 14.95 0.75 15.70
LOH Lake O’Hara (#14 GTS) 4.95 0.25 5.20

Posters and Brochures

Code Item Price GST Price w/GST
CKBS Calgary-Kananaskis-Banff Satelite 10.00 0.50 10.50
GHMA Geological Highway Map of Alberta – poster 10.00 0.50 10.50
MROG The Mountains, the Rocks, the Oil & Gas – poster 10.00 0.50 10.50
RGCB Brochure- Roadside Geology Calgary-Banff 2.00 0.10 2.10
RGCBf Brochure- Roadside Geology Calgary-Banff (flat) 2.00 0.10 2.10

Geological Survey of Canada Posters

Code Item Price GST Price w/GST
1265A Canmore East 1/2 10.00 0.50 10.50
1266A Canmore West 1/2 10.00 0.50 10.50
1294A Banff East 1/2 10.00 0.50 10.50
1295A Banff West 1/2 10.00 0.50 10.50
1865A Rocky Mtn Fthlls& Front Range in K-Country 10.00 0.50 10.50
BRBW Bow River Basin Waterscape 10.00 0.50 10.50
FOSE Fossils (EN) 10.00 0.50 10.50
FOSF Fossiles (FR) 10.00 0.50 10.50
GCAL Geoscape Calgary 10.00 0.50 10.50
GCAN Geoscape Canada / Wings of Change 10.00 0.50 10.50
GEDM Geoscape Edmonton NFS NFS NFS
GTS Geological Time Scale 2004 10.00 0.50 10.50
LOTE Living on the edge 10.00 0.50 10.50
MMNMf Map Making in the new Millenium (flat) 10.00 0.50 10.50
MMNM Map Making in the new Millenium (folded) 10.00 0.50 10.50
TCO Taking the Chill Off (NWT) 10.00 0.50 10.50
WGI Waterscape Gulf Islands 10.00 0.50 10.50

Hiking Brochures (cost of printing)

Code Item Price GST Price w/GST
HBGLYJC Grassi Lakes, Mt Yamnuska, Jura Creek deal 3.00 0.15 3.15
HBGL Grassi Lakes Walking Guide 1.25 0.06 1.31
HBJC Jura Creek Walking Guide 1.25 0.06 1.31
HBY Mt. Yamnuska Walking Guide 1.25 0.06 1.31

Playing Cards

Code Item Price GST Price w/GST
DC Discover Caves 6.99 0.35 7.34
DCR Discover Canadian Rocks 6.99 0.35 7.34
DD Discover Dinosaurs 6.99 0.35 7.34
DEW Discover the Edible Wilderness 6.99 0.35 7.34
DNL Discover Northern Lights 6.99 0.35 7.34
DV Discover Volcanos 6.99 0.35 7.34
DWS Discover Wilderness Survival 6.99 0.35 7.34


Code Item Price GST Price w/GST
DCS Dinosaur Colouring Sheet 1.00 0.05 1.05
FDT Fold-Out Dinosaur Timeline (Usborne)
Author: Samantha Barrett
17.95 0.90 18.85
GPG Geology – Pocket Guide 9.25 0.46 9.71
JB Jewelry Box 10.00 0.50 10.50
LFS Little First Stickers – Dinosaurs (Usborne)
Author: Paul Nicholls & Stella Baggott
9.95 0.50 10.45
LPD Look & Find Puzzles – Dinosaurs (Usborne)
Author: Gareth Lucas
9.95 0.50 10.45
MTMV video – Mud to Mountains 20.00 1.00 21.00
PGTM Pocket Guide – The Moon 9.95 0.50 10.45
PGG Pocket Guide – Geology 9.95 0.50 10.45
SS Solar System 8.00 0.40 8.40

Peter Jones Postcards (Consignment)

Code Item Price GST Price w/GST
BLKV Barrier Lake & Kananaskis Valley 6.50 0.33 6.83
BRVER Bow River Valley, Entrance to the Rockies 6.50 0.33 6.83
CL Crowsnest Lake, Alberta 6.50 0.33 6.83
LMGL Lake Minnewanka and Ghost Lakes in Fall 6.50 0.33 6.83
MOR Mist and Opal Ranges 6.50 0.33 6.83
MY Mount Yamnuska (View from the East) 6.50 0.33 6.83
MYW Mount Yamnuska in Winter (View North) 6.50 0.33 6.83
UKL Upper Kananaskis Lakes, view North 6.50 0.33 6.83
ULKLH Upper & Lower Kananaskis Lakes (horizon visible) 6.50 0.33 6.83

Peter Jones Postcards & Mouse Pads (Non-Consignment)

Code Item Price GST Price w/GST
MP Mouse Pads 12.00 0.60 12.60
MWOR Mount Wintour, Opal Ridge 6.50 0.33 6.83

Petroleum History Society Consignments

Code Item Price GST Price w/GST
EEO The End of Energy Obesity
Author: Peter Tertzakian
10.00 0.50 10.50
FTB From the Beginning (Schlumberger)
Author: David Finch
10.00 0.50 10.50
NT Northern Tigers
Author: Dick Haskayne
10.00 0.50 10.50
OS The Oil Sands – Canada’s Path to Clean Energy?
Author: Gordon Kelly
10.00 0.50 10.50
TBS A Thousand Barrels A Second
Author: Peter Tertzakian
10.00 0.50 10.50
TMO Tales of Mtn Oil / Oil City – Black Gold in Waterton Park 10.00 0.50 10.50
TUSA Torn In The USA
Author: Neil V. Lesson
10.00 0.50 10.50

Geological Survey of Canada Field Excursions (FE)*

Code Item Price GST Price w/GST
A02 Quarternary Geology of the Southern Canadian Cordillera 3.00 0.15 3.15
A03-C03 Geology of the Sothern Canadian Cordillera 3.00 0.15 3.15
A08-C08 Engineering Geology of the Southern Cordillera of British Columbia 3.00 0.15 3.15
A10 Stratigraphy & Structure Rocky Mtns & Foothills of W Central AB & NE BC. 3.00 0.15 3.15
A15-C15 The Canadian Rockies & Tectonic Evolution of the S Canadian Cordillera 3.00 0.15 3.15
C17 Lower Carboniferous Stratigraphy & Sedimentology of the S Can Rocky Mtns 3.00 0.15 3.15
C18 Devonian Stratigraphy & Facies of Rocky Mtns of Canada & Adjacent Plains 3.00 0.15 3.15
A19 Cambrian & Ordovician Biostratigraphy of S Canadian Rocky Mtns 3.00 0.15 3.15
A20 The Cretaceous & Jurassic of the Foothills of the Rocky Mtns of AB 3.00 0.15 3.15
A20 Vertebrate Paleontology, Cretaceous to Recent, Interior Plains, Canada 3.00 0.15 3.15
A25-C25 Coal, Oil, Gas & Industrial Mineral Deposits of the Int Plains, Fthlls & Rocky Mtns 3.00 0.15 3.15
A26 Hydrogeology of the Rocky Mtns & Interior Plains 3.00 0.15 3.15
X01-A01 Structural Style of the S Canadian Cordillera 3.00 0.15 3.15
NSUE No Stone Unturned (English) 10.00 0.50 10.50
NSUF No Stone Unturned (French) 10.00 0.50 10.50

* The price for a complete set of 13 books is $26.00 (with GST $27.30).