Lawrence Grassi Book Launch

The Canmore launch of the new book called “Lawrence Grassi – From Peidmont to the Rocky Mountains”, written by Elio Costa and Gabriele Scardellato, occurred on Saturday July 11, 2015 as part of the Miners’ Day Parade and BBQ event. The organizers of the event were Randle Robertson (Field, B. C.) and Vi Sandford (Canmore Councilor).

At 12:30pm on Saturday, speeches in tribute to Lawrence Grassi’s life-time accomplishments were made at the Miners’ Day BBQ to all the attendees plus invited book-launch guests including a number of people from Falmenta, Italy, Lawrence Grassi’s home town. The MC was Randle Robertson. The speakers were: John Borrowman (Mayor of Canmore), Cam Westhead (NDP MLA), Rick Green (Past President, Canmore Museum and Geoscience Centre), Chic Scott (on behalf of the Alpine Club of Canada), Luigi Milani (Mayor of Falmenta) and Elio Costa & Gabriele Scardellato (the co-authors of the new book). Book signing followed the speeches.

Following the book signing, a portion of the invited group walked over to the Canadian Rockies Earth Science Resource Centre to see pictures of the Grassi Lakes area including the falls, the lakes and some owls and yellow Lady Slippers.

On Sunday, guests from Italy, members of the Canmore Museum and Geoscience Centre and the organizers participated in a trip to Lake O’Hara to see the Lawrence Grassi plak on route to Lake Oesa. The day ended with a wine and cheese party at the house of Randle Robertson.

A very successful event! (see accompanying pictures)

Group Picture 1

From left to right - Marisa Grassi - great niece of Lawrence Grassi Rita Minoletti Moe - her parents immigrated from Falmenta and are mentioned in the            book Marilena Ferrari - wife of Falmenta Mayor Luigi Milani Nancy Wolfer - geneologist, daughter of Rita, made many contributions to the book Emelio Zanni - Marisa Grassi's husband  Front   Luigi Milani - Mayor of Falmenta

From left to right –
Marisa Grassi – great niece of Lawrence Grassi
Rita Minoletti Moe – her parents immigrated from Falmenta and are mentioned in the
Marilena Ferrari – wife of Falmenta Mayor Luigi Milani
Nancy Wolfer – geneologist, daughter of Rita, made many contributions to the book
Emelio Zanni – Marisa Grassi’s husband
Front Luigi Milani – Mayor of Falmenta

Group Picture 2

Back row from left to right Rick Green, Jon Dudley, Arlene Carr, Gabriele Scardellato, Luigi Milano, Jessica Stichelbout, Vi Sandford, Rob Seeley Front row left to right  Angelo ?, Elio Costa, Marissa Grassi, Kathy Scardellato, Emelio Zanni, ??, Karla Talbot, Bruce Millar Not in picture  Debbie Carrico and Esme Comfort

Back row from left to right
Rick Green, Jon Dudley, Arlene Carr, Gabriele Scardellato, Luigi Milani, Jessica Stichelbout, Vi Sandford, Rob Seeley
Front row left to right
Angelo ??, Elio Costa, Marissa Grassi, Kathy Scardellato, Emelio Zanni, ??, Karla Talbot, Bruce Millar
Not in picture
Debbie Carrico and Esme Comfort

Additional Images

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