Corporate Sponsors

  • Absolute Imaging
    Attended presentations.
  • AGAT Laboratories
    Tables of Formations for British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan
  • Alberta Geological Survey
    Alberta Surface Geology map and Table of Formations and expertise.
  • Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta
    Support through PEGG and website articles about CRESRC and Fellow of Geoscientists Canada award (FGC).
  • C & C Systems
    Seismic processing.
  • Canada Summer Jobs Program (Canadian Federal Government)
    Canada Summer Jobs has supplied partial funding to hire university geoscience students as summer staff since 2016. This is my main source of monetary funding.
  • Canadian Association of Geophysical Contractors
    Sample geophones and other equipment.
  • Canadian Geological Foundation
    More than 10 years ago while Rick was President (volunteer) at the Canmore Museum and Geoscience Centre, the Museum received several Canadian Geological Foundation (CGF) grants for displays which Rick was involved in – 1) 3 posters of hikes in the Canmore area where world class geological outcrops can be seen (Devonian-age reef at Grassi Lakes, Exshaw shale at Jura Creek and the major fault at Mt. Yamnuska) and 2) “Coral Reefs: the Present is key to the Past” Gord Tebbutt Memorial Devonian Reef display. These are now on display at CRESRC, on loan from the Museum. In 2017, CRESRC received a CGF grant to add a 4th poster regarding the 2013 Cougar Creek Flood to the cube display.
  • Canadian Natural Resources Ltd.
    In-House presentation to CNRL staff, some books for CRESRC’s library, and a microscope via Gordon Crooks.
  • Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists
    Support through involvement in the Geophysical Industry Field Trips, Earth Science for Society events and Seismic in Motion events. In 2013 a Special Commendation was awarded.
  • Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists
    Support through material for the bookstore.
  • Canmore Collegiate High School Woodworking Class
    Refurbishing Imperial Oil’s core cabinets.
  • Canmore Museum and Geoscience Centre
    The Museum helped start up the CRESRC facility by supplying a number of initial displays which were no longer of interest to the Museum. The Operation Bow Athabasca display, the Gord Tebbutt Devonian display, the Hike poster display, geological journals for the extensive CRESRC library plus some other miscellaneous materials. Some of these are being loaned on a long-term basis.
  • Conoco Phillips
    Seismic data.
  • CoreLab
    Formation Damage Assessment and Control poster
  • Crescent Point Energy Inc.
    Turner Valley maps and seismic data.
  • GeoEdges Inc.
    Maps of Sub-crops & Fields including Triassic, Mississippian and Devonian formations.
  • Geological Survey of Canada
    Operation Bow Athabasca exhibit through Canmore Museum. Maps of earthquakes in Alberta/BC, Canada and the world.
  • Geospace Technologies Canada
    Geophones, Geophone Testers and related equipment.
  • Husky Oil
    Husky along with Repsol provided seismic data and expertise.
  • IHS Market Energy (Canada) Ltd
    IHS Energy is the industry’s authoritative provider of information, analytics and insight to help customers understand the complex environment that shapes energy markets and asset performance. Their experts and analytical tools enable customers to continuously improve their strategy and operations across the entire energy value chain, covering oil & gas, coal, power and renewables. CRESRC uses IHS software to expose staff, mostly 3rd year geoscience students, to their software by creating displays.
  • Imperial Oil Limited
    Several cabinets of core samples and expertise.
  • Petroleum History Society
    Historical oil industry books on consignment, references in Archives newsletter and 2019 Preservation Award.
  • Pulse Seismic Inc.
    Pulse supplied key seismic data for on-site exhibit display and for CRESRC’s “Petroleum Exploration Cycle” traveling booth.
  • Repsol Energy Inc (formally Talisman Energy Inc.)
    Repsol along with Husky Oil supplied CRESRC with seismic data.
  • Rocking Horse Energy Services
    Drill bits for drilling and coring.
  • SEI
    Seismic data.
  • Shell Canada Limited through Clint Tippett
    Well log displays with cores.
  • Talisman Energy Inc (now Repsol Energy Inc)
    Talisman supplied CRESRC extensive geological journals for library.

Thank you